Sunday, February 21, 2010

Correction of Blurry Photos of learning to maintain a constant section

Many new photographers have a problem with blurred images. In most cases this will be caused by "shocks", in which the camera moves slightly during registration. This is even more common when the shutter open for a long period (such as when shooting) in low light. To avoid the slightest movement of the camera can do, and for many people the only way to do this is through the use of a tripod.

Digital cameras have a blur, like most commonPeople do not keep the car on her face. It is more common to keep away from the body and watch the LCD on the back. Although this helps to frame the shot, but also increases the likelihood that move as an image.

Of course, with a tripod eliminates this problem entirely, but not everyone, and not always wise to use too much. In this case, the best way to eliminate blurry images is, is to learn to hold the camera firmly with bothHands.

There are no right or wrong way of a digital camera, because it depends on those who hold the type of camera, and preferences for use, but the following tips will have a better idea of how professional photographers.

The bottom three fingers of his right hand fingers (little, ring and middle) bend to the camera. If you use a digital SLR camera is probably a sort of take to maintain or even fingerprints. A point and shoot camera probablyWhich has only three fingers bent at the front anyway.

The right thumb should be on the back of the camera. With these four fingers, you should keep the camera still. Do not overtighten, or you can drive the movement of the camera. Sitting The index finger of right hand should be slightly above the trigger. If you take a picture, press the shutter button, not to attack.

What's left, a digital SLR camera should be at or below the lens. Ifhave a point to point and shoot, you should sit in the camera. In both cases, the left hand supports the weight and keep it stable.

Some quick tips that should help:

Try the camera so close to the body, especially if you use the LCD on the back, instead of keeping to the viewfinder. He leans his elbows on the side of the body.

Leaning against an immovable object, like a building or a fixed object. If there is nothing to lean on, stand withMeters apart, walk a bit 'more and the other behind. Alternatively, you can sit or kneel.

Before the breath of fire, and hold their breath. In this way, your body is not up or down as you inhale and exhale.

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