Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Never buy a camera Canon PowerShot SX100IS

How long the camera continues to be produced in order to ensure the cameras with the same mistakes over and over again? Obviously, only a little 'more. E 'as Canon and others are asleep at the wheel. The purchase of a Canon PowerShot SX100IS Digital proposal could be a disappointment to many, unless they are, what can the camera and what is not known. Thus, in the sense of spreading the word, let's look at the second SX100IS best and see what's in Serbianfor the perspective of the buyer.

The flash is a slightly different configuration. For some, a bonus, but nothing other than a pain. At the highest point and shoot, the flash is always active and is used automatically for pictures indoors. From SX100IS However, you may need to manually flash pop-up before taking a picture. Canon is the assumption that the user when the flash should be able to decide instead of deciding on the camera. This is a bug inside my head. Most people who buyPoint and shoot camera like the Canon Powershot, I did not think that before each image in low light. They just want the image. Most of the time, more people will remember that the pop-up flash, and end up losing some great pictures.

And here's another surprise. Expect a delay of four or five seconds between shots, while SX100IS flash recharges. Like any other point and shoot out there. I know this does not happen inSLR camera category, but I do not think that spending more than $ 600 would get this feature. With consumers, how much money are used in digital cameras, the industry should really focus on its R & D on this issue. Expected that the number and the camera will get you the perfect picture the first time that it is not reasonable. Even the experts are not so good.

For some reason, artificial Canon has decided to prevent the zoom while recording video with my digital camera SX100IS.There's really no good technical reason. Also works in some of their more expensive cameras. This smells almost deliberately crippled PowerShot SX100IS for marketing in an attempt to make the cameras more attractive.

From time to time there is a camera that feels right for you to be. In the case of SX100IS, I still found myself wanting something more. Unfortunately, I have a little 'over complaints:

- The image quality suffersLight environments

- No viewfinder, which limits the options for users

- LCD screen has no protection, and vulnerable to scratches

- Scroll wheel is very sensitive and prone to false selection

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