Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Never buy a Canon PowerShot SD850 Digital ELPH

It can never be too harsh a word, but you want to learn some problems with the Canon PowerShot SD850 Digital ELPH Camera before you actually buy one. It has some flaws that may not be aware of. The digital camera reviews you read online are thinly disguised attempt to sell the camera. No sales pitch here, just an attempt to bring to light the problems with the PowerShot SD850 Digital ELPH.

Barrel distortion shared by many Cameras in this class and price range, but usually not to the extent found in the SD850. Barrel distortion in the photograph is generally seen as a framework whose quality is good in the middle, but is distorted to go farther from the center. Barrel distortion is also known as an edge or corner softness.

Canon has decided that the information does not give you much to do, maybe a good idea. Not really sure why. If you half press the shutter button, the> PowerShot SD850 shows the F / stop setting the Digital ELPH to take a picture of their use. What is good, but it would be even better if you can customize it. The way is now developed, can not.

Ergonomics is important in digital cameras, mainly because of its size. So small, digital cameras can be uncomfortable, even in better moments. Especially for people with large hands. The PowerShot SD850 seems to have hit the markPair of points in this category. First, the power button is positioned so that the fingerprints on the LCD screen and more fat is almost impossible. Secondly, from a base of curved, the SD850 DigitalElph can be difficult to determine on a flat surface to use the timer.

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